Trusted by
thousand of developers:
lines of code analyzed
unit tests generated
potential bugs identified

Produce 30 working unit
in 30 seconds

Gain a 100X productivity boost with your personal AI test engineer, reducing the time
it takes to achieve working code from weeks down to just a couple of hours! 

Trusted by
thousands of developers:
lines of code analyzed
unit tests generated
potential bugs identified

The Code Quality Crisis

AI code gen tools are great for accelerating your development cycles, but the massive amounts of code they create adds a lot of complexity to your codebase.

This significantly reduces the quality of your code and increases the risk of critical bugs, making fast and efficient code testing and validation more critical than ever.

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Users from these companies already generated tests using EarlyAI
Hundreds of users form
these companies already:
lines of code analyzed
unit tests generated
potential bugs identified
EarlAI is your AI Agent test engineer, designed to generate high quality, high coverage, working unit tests.
EarlyAI generates green tests (to protect against regressions), red tests (to uncover potential bugs), and lets you enhance them to perfection.
Meet Earl

Your friendly AI test engineer!

High quality
Earl generates all the tests you need including mocks, happy paths, and edge cases, in a click.
Green and red tests
Earl helps you expand coverage while proactively identifying potential issues, both finding bugs and protecting your codes from bugs.  
Complete coverage
Complete coverage for your PR or entire repository – Earl gets you broader and deeper coverage than ever before by making sure all essential functions are tested.
Documentation and suggestions
Earl produces method documentation and improvement suggestions.

Easy-to-use directly within your IDE 

It takes 60 seconds to setup EarlyAI and generate your first test within the IDE. Just install, authenticate, and generate the tests.

30 green unit tests in less than a minute

Early automatically generates and maintains verified and validated unit tests. Bringing your software products up to code with minimal effort.